

Finish My Long Holiday.

sunday go lee yee home
all keep gambling
i dunno gambling =.=
it's ok
i watch tv xD

when night
keep busy prepare bai tian gong
fuiyo ~
so many thing need do
until 12am
my big brother buy so many firework
and keep put =.=
it's nice
but my heart keep so scare police will come =.=
and keep see the fire drop down
i run far far away xD
until 1am only finish all thing
 then faster go sleep

monday early morning 5.30am wake up
with big brother and mother go bla bla place
i dunno where
bai she
i feel got abit crazy xD

11+ am only reach home
just back home
faster go sleep
tired until gonna crazy
when night with mother and father go long gai ~
just a while back home =.=
today morning wake up
go bank take money out
and go pay money to academy
bye bye money ~~~ T_T

tomorrow gonna open school
i so scare
very very scare
later when lunch just me 1 ppl ><
hope will got new student come date me together eat
and i so scare i will bring less thing
later when night i cant sleep then OMG =.=
tomorrow 9.30am need reach there edi
that time only give me uniform =.=
  i so scare i will be late

the last thing is
I will take care more myself my dear
you also need take care more
I will miss you ~
you must miss me too
I Love You Albin Dear
You Get Hurt
My Heart So Pain & Worry
Promise Me Must Care More !!!

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