


today go out with Albin Gor
we plan watch movie
too many ppl so we cancel watch movie
sit bus go eat MC
keke ~
happy ~~
and sweeeet =]

I Love You Albin Yap

today go out with Albin Gor again
we go time square
just reach then go buy ticket
holly shit
so many ppl but we also follow line up
very funny
buy ticket send conditioner
we watch Little Big Soldier
bcoz no movie watch edi >.<

b4 go watch movie we go low yat
bcoz Albin Gor want see thing
I go see camera price too
I 1st time go there
there was full of pc and phone and camera
after that go watch movie
funny + okay nia

finish movie go sungai wang
want take da tou tie
but so many ppl no take too
but nvm ~
we still got many time can take ^^
after that we go back home
dear looks tired >.<
sorry my dear
I need early back home >.<
make you unhappy
so sorry ~

I Love You Albin Gor !

after today need wait until next month only can meet>.<

I Miss You.

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