


 big brother bring chocolate back
oh ya ~
i love it ^~^

when evening
go ask beauty couse again wif brother and mother
after tat go jusco

saw chi xiang at there work

after tat we go manjalara there
De Pastry Chef
i love there
food see like so expensive
but actually very 划算
fullllll ~~~

keep confuse about the beauty couse
no money >.<
mother keep scold me ='(

finally my mother tell me
wat she will do
make me not so scare edi
the big brother ahh ~
i waiting he help me out money xD

today mother off day
early morning wake up
go eat and go kepong pasar
finally i buy my bag
and 1 more shirt
buy tat shirt must need buy a scarf
oh no
i know me now only buy scarf so out la
but i like it =]

finish buy
go back beauty academy
wan register PTK ( borrow money )
bring RM200 go
they tell us need RM420
wtf =.="
then i just pek RM200 give them
i know me no money also cant like tat buli me
hmpf !!!

back home
go out eat back home again
parents go genting
i sure wont follow
so me at home
write blog xD

Everybody Happy Everyday ya ^^

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