


work work work
work work work

last night no bed sleep
go sleep chair =.=
make me now 腰酸背痛
then still need wash so so so many thing
tired like crazy

when night go watch movie with family
weeee ~
long time no watch movie with family
go watch 'ice kacang'
actually that is me 2nd time watch
2nd time watch the movie just start not so long time
i already want cry >.<
ask me why ?
because keep think they cant together at the end >.<
finish movie go eat something
back home sleep ~
early morning wake up want go academy
but teacher send msg come say she sick
today off ~
actually i sick also
but also go out eat with my parents
after that back home 'fat ngau dao' =.=
until 5pm =.=
watch tv
eat online sleep ~

early morning wake up again want go academy
course-mate send msg to me say teacher today off also
think go find eng come out yam cha
but suddenly mother say want bring me go see doctor
because my bei really so pain >.<
then cancel with eng date
when want go out
mother say not need go see doctor already
because doctor today off
at home sienzzzz again today =.=
6/5 ?
hope tmr can go academy ~
because i really boring until
my eyes so zhong
lol ~~~

This Few Day Really Feel So Sweet With
ALbin Yap
However We Already Half Month No Meet >.< 

Miss My Dear Albin
Miss My Secondary School Friend
Miss My Course-Mate

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