


early morning sms to dear wake he up
after tat i really so tired and sleep back
when wake up

father told me our home
no phone line
no internet line
just got handphone line ==

i keep watch tv and sms wif dear
i so miss he.
and i plan
find he tmr
and buy some food to him

when wake up edi so late
dear so early jiu wake up edi

mother fetch me go bus stop wait bus
damn just reach there bus say goodbye to me =.=
and i wait more half hour
1pm like tat only got bus

then i go batu 5 buy bread and cake 1st
then only sit back bus go brem mall
ask me why so mafan ?
bcoz i scare cross the road go brem mall
saya tidak begitu berani sendiri jalan

find fren : yee mun,lee yee,chew

and go find dear
i dunno dear just at front
so tat i think no more surprise bah
i give he thing and say say say
then wif fren go eat
is toooooooo many suck happen =.=
i wan vomit edi on tat time
i rmb euu
wong chew chew
haha ~

finish eat go play xia
then they continue go watch movie
i go find dear and say goodbye to he
wan back home
but just wan go out
damn it
go back brem mall
wan find dear
but but but but
i feel so paiseh
then i go book shop walk around

finally dear free edi
go find him
haiz ~
let his boss saw me
then me fast fast go back home lo
i hate rain
keeeeep rain until me reach home

the conclusion is :
I so miss YOU since YOU start working
I want YOU hold My hand
I want YOU hug Me
I want YOU kiss Me


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