

♥ 2011.2011

A special day again

Yesterday also such a great day
that was me and my boy
had together
3 years and 10 months
46 months
1400 days

this week really so busy but
next week I will fly go Singapore =D

this few day really busy until dunno how to describe it
since tuesday non-stop rush my assignment
1st time feel doing a assignment will so tired =X
and I still skip class 
keep hide inside CITC do assignment for 6 hour non-stop @@
until friday still rushing my assignment
but finally I had done =D

due to next week I need fly go Singapore since thursday
thursday got test and friday got gym test
so I need replace it on monday and tuesday
monday got another test too
tuesday need group presentation too

mean that
this 2 day I really will busy until crazy T_T
hate this feeling
really so tired
keep can't sleep well

until now I still not yet prepare anything yet
really feel so lazy
hope that I really could so lucky
get something for nothing =D

after all those busy thing
I could go Singapore relax
but I really will miss my dearest deep deep much =(

after relax
I need prepare for my final exam d
now edi is week 10
4 more weeks
final exam is coming
wish me good luck =)

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