


What a moody week
A lot of things happened this few days

tuesday night
argue with my dearest
almost break up
but luckily we still could together back
we broke up half hour ? >_<
that day 4am only fall in sleep
keep on cry and cry and cry

woke up went to college
during the way to college
i was had sick
keep on auto smile in the bus =X
because i feel me and my dearest
just only start together

but when i reached college
during the accounting class
i keep on feel want to cry
started still can understand what the tutor teaching
but after discus about those question
I don't even know what he talking about anymore
feel upset
when get back the account paper
more sad ='(
i'm right
i'm the lowest mark in the class

after that was english class
i regret to help ppl
i'm not the best student and i'm not clever at all
why i still go help them ?
make myself 'fish' only
gave them the wrong answer still thought myself so clever
that time i really hope have a hole can let me hide T^T

yesterday was the most happy day
because met my dearest
2 weeks din't meet up already
miss he so much 
movie time
'Rise Of The Planet Of  The Apes'
this movie really so nice !!!!
Apes really so clever
human were fool
at the last it say : Caesar is home
feel touch ><
I cant accept this new lens
too big for me @@
this just 14.5mm
i wondering how those ppl wear until

and now
is time to study
if i dun start from now
i really wait die =_=

God bless me please ~~

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