

Life Of November.

Last blog I had mentioned about that I'm gonna change my phone
tada !
it's my new phone Samsung Galaxy S3's box xD
love it so much !!
thank you my dear boy so much !!!

okay ~
let's skip until 21/11
it's wednesday and it's my dating day with the love one =D
he came my college and fetch me
we went to the new shop on Setapak PV128
a special taste pao with a bear's paw picture
inside you can choose either chicken chops or fish chops
after that choose which sauce you need
inside have tomato and vegetables

after me and my boy ate the pao
we feel get cheated
because it's really very normal thing
but cost us RM8.90 each
quite expensive for us ><

after that went to Fahrenheit 88 and Pavilion
there already have christmas decoration
it's Pavilion decoration
feel so romantic ~
it's Fahrenheit 88 decoration
that day the most happy thing was he bring me go Baskin Robbins
and bought this
the ice cream fondue =D
feel so excited when eating this xD

another wednesday again =D
early morning wake up went for dentist check my tooth
after that went setapak chatime get my dear boy's Iphone5
jealous he ><
can get Iphone5

 next round 1utama
that time 1u christmas decoration still not finish yet
so I didn't take picture
watched The Twilight Saga : Breaking Dawn Part II
it's nice and touch
I'm born to be a vampire
I love her daughter so much
so cute and pretty !!!

my friend Joeyee's convo day
me and Carolyin went for her convo
actually Carolyin's convo day on 25/11
but she didn't tell me so I didn't go too =P
wake up early went to Tarcollege and bought a Snoopy with flower for her
because she love Snoopy so much
Congratulation to Joeyee and Carolyin =) 
Pei Wen, Yee Mun, Woei Wern
we three together be pengawas media when secondary skul
me and Joeyee together be Pengawas when primary skul
if I didn't late 1 year study in college
I will together graduate with them >.<
but nvm
next year I will graduate too =)
prepare for it 1st xD

after the convo
Carolyin have class
therefore I drive her car to Citc and I can online at there
I had more than half year didn't drive >.<
so scary ~ xD
the most scary thing was my parking skill
hahahaha ~
really like shit xD
lucky that day only have seldom car
I really can't drive la
and I really have no idea how I pass my driving test xD

It's December now
the month of end of the world ? lol
anyway it's a scary month for me too
due to final exam will on the end of this month
hopefully I can get a good result
and pass the subject that I failed last sem

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