

2012 Ends. 2013 Start.

Finally I'm back
been 2 months didn't update my blog
therefore this blog will be very long >.<

Let's get start my event from December

My boy's sister wedding buffet at their apartment

the very first time I attend wedding lunch and sat on master sit @@

the very special day
early morning breakfast with my boy before go to college

the last valentine day in 2012
first time go Tropicana City with he
watched Life of Pi at there
watch until so tired because that day went out so long time

our 4 years and 11 months anniversary
he suddenly plan go KLCC aquarium
I get shocked xD
but we really had fun at there =D

Christmas Eve =D
afternoon went Time Square shopping with Grace
when night went church with my boy and his family

Christmas !!
I went out study with my classmate =.=
final are coming
that's why I so hardworking xD

I started afraid about my final
the very first time I need to resit my exam
and whole class only me and another one classmate together resit only
others want wait until next semester only resit
they think that they can get tips from junior
but I dun want wait anymore
that's why I feel so stress
no tips at all
just read myself

seriously very first time I study until cry ='(
18 chapters
I only study 8 chapters and others just read through 
I really hate management
that day I still need prepare my math exam
since my coursework very bad then I need pay more attention
really stress ='(

the last day of 2012
but I need to face two hardest subject in a day
early morning keep study my management
alone go to college hall and wait 
but when I saw those questions I get shocked
all questions came out those area that I had study
but I can't rmb so much =(
I really hope that I can pass this subject

after that math exam turn
oh my god !!
we all hate the tutor so much
because her questions all totally different with pass year
may god bless us =.=

when night
new year eve !!
went out with my boy and steamboat at Happy City
same like last year
but this year we no count down at all
and didn't saw any fireworks =(
just non stop eat =P

glad that he keep accompany me =)

I'm crazy =P
after finished exam go dating with my boy
first time went paradigm mall =D
movie and shopping at there

after that keep busy to face exam
this semester exam really so stress
never feel so stress before =( 

today is the second last exam
I totally collapse after this exam
I made a wrong decision
and started think is that I not suitable to study anymore ='(

I really feel so stress
I didn't care the next day is my last exam : Business & Corporate Law
I chosen to hang out with my boy
I need relax first =X

Paradigm mall again
bought a lot of clothes xD
however I said want relax
I still have bring my note go there study =P

the last day exam !!!
the only one subject that I have the most confidence =.=
finished exam back home sleep until night =D
feel so damn relax d
however I still afraid about my exam result
god bless me pls >.<

celebrate my friend Joeyee's 21th birthday party
her party was hold at Swiss Garden Hotel
 Joeyee and Carolyin were the only persons that I know at there =.=
but I still play until so crazy with Carolyin
two crazy ppl xD

the chocolate is the free gift from the party
Happy 21th Birthday 

That's all for this blog
next blog will post about me and my boy 5 years anniversary