

No mood.

Yesterday is valentine's day
I damn jealous those couple can celebrate
and more jealous those girl can get surprise from their boyfriend

I so sad
I know you need work
I just need you care only
but you get some problem too
I cant help
I know I'm wrong
because you already annoy so many thing
I still keep complain you din accompany me at this sweet day

But I really hope
I just hope
you can care about me
I just need your care
your love

And I really feel I'm so stupid
because buy a present not suitable you
I really so sad
look at that present keep think
'we had together already 3 years I still don't know what you unlike'
and keep on cry

after that you say that word
you really hurt me so bad
I know she better than me
she pretty than me
her figure nice than me
but I cant how also
I really so sad

this year already is our fourth valentine's day
no 1 time is romantic and surprise
this year
is our damn bad valentine's day
I hate your work
don't give you take off

Sorry dear
I know you sure feel annoy again
because I cant understanding you
Sorry =(


Happy Rabbit Year

Happy Rabbit Year Everybody =D

when new year i sure back hometown again
wow ~
i love back hometown
because can whole family together ^_^
I love my family ^^

yesterday argue with albin yap
but lucky after today meet
we just getting more sweet only
today still go visit my mother
so scare xD

today I so stupid
go buy wrong movie ticket
lol ~
want buy 3.30pm 1 then go buy 7.30pm 1
keep at jusco walk here walk there to wait the time pass

today albin yap bought a ring to me & himself
feel so sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet ! =DD